Labor supply
- Classical labor supply slides
- Micheal Keane’s review paper
- Blundell, Duncan and Meghir (1998) paper
- Lifecycle labor supply and Dynamic Programming slides
Wage Dispersion and Sorting
- Mortensen (2003) slides
- Failure of the law of one price: similar workers get paid differently.
- Empirically: Oi and Idson (99) paper
- Assortative Matching with and without frictions slides
- A simple one-to-one matching model of the marriage market
- Matching with frictions: Shimer and Smith
- Empirically Measuring Sorting: Abowd, Kramarz and Margolis (AKM) slides
- AKM proper
- Applications in Card, Heining and Kline’s (QJE 2013) paper
- Limited Mobility Bias Andrews et al paper
- Class lab on estimating AKM models
Labor and Space
- The prototypical urban model slides
- Wages, Rents, Firms and commuting times: Ahlfeldt et al (2015) slides
- Dynamic Demand for Houses and Neighborhoods: Bayer et al (2016) slides
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