All functions |
Crop CLC 2018 raster to 2015 French Cities |
Measure Landuse Around Cities with CLC |
Plot CLC Landuse patterns |
Read CLC classification |
get commuting speed and distance increase |
Plot GHSL Built Grids |
petite region agricole 1999-2020 with PRA mapping |
PRA new-old mapping Crosswalk |
Collect All PRA prices in All years |
top 100 city bounding boxes |
top 200 city bounding boxes |
Complement Census Data with Toutain |
Read 1975 PRA data from extracted file |
Combine City Measures |
Department Level Land Prices: |
Compute Active Population for Paris AU |
Get Commuting Google Sheet |
Get Paris Aire Urbaine 1975, 1990, 2000 |
get list of communes in paris |
crop a list of rasters to new extent |
Crop boxes out of GHS rasters |
Cutoff Sensitivity Analysis for |
Get Dropbox Root |
Compute Distance of Fringe from City Center |
Exponential Decay Parameters for All Cities |
Estimate Exponential Density Decay Model |
Summary For Exponential Decay |
Main Output File |
Flatten measured city list |
Link PRA names to CODGEO in 1999+ |
Get Manual Measurements |
Get Paris Population in 1950 |
get CRS of GHS raster data |
For Seine et Marne area 1990 |
Seine et Marne PRA Prices from Departmental Price 2000 |
Load GHS Raster Data |
load official PRA-Commune classification |
map pra 1950s |
map pra 1975 |
Map PRA prices and City locations |
map data of PRA |
Measure City Extents |
Merge PRA Referentiel with Agreste PRA Prices |
add center of cities to bounding boxes |
Merge results with PRA classification |
Paris land value 1950 |
Paris land value 1975 |
Paris land value 1990 and 2000 |
Paris Land Values 2015 |
Plot distance from center |
Plot urban area and population growth |
Plot Density for Central vs Fringe Paris |
Plot Reims |
plot manual vs satellite measurements 2015/2016 |
Compare Area Measures to Shlomo Angel's Results |
plot top 100 cities densities cutoff sensitivity |
plot top 100 cities densities over time |
Compute French 1954 City Population |
Match Cities to Prices in 1950 |
Match Cities to Prices in 1975 for 200 city case |
Match Cities to Prices in 1990 |
Match PRA Prices to Cities in 2000 |
Add Prices to PRA+Results 1999+ |
PRA Prices: Neighbor IV Regression |
Read Hand-Cleaned PRA Data |
Get PRA adjancency correspondance |
PRA special cases |
Stack City and PRA Data for All Years |
Print Paris 1950 Population to Latex |
Print France 1950 Population to Latex |
Read ENTD data from website or disk |
Read Departement Classification from disk |
Read main output table |
petite region agricole 1990+ |
petite region agricole 1999-2020 |
Department level land prices 1892 |
Department level land prices 1950 |
Department level land prices 1975 |
Department level land prices 1990 |
Department level land prices 2018 |
terre labourable 1990 - libre a la vente |
terre labourable 2000 - libre a la vente |
PRA Arable Land prices for 2000 |
terre labourable 1999 - louee |
terre labourable 2000 - louee |
Read Census Data |
Show Relative population and area |
sum city population over communes |
Produce Table 3 in Main Text |
TWFE plots of density dataset |
write PRA classification |
Write Paris Arrondissement Areas to Disk |