Main PRA output function. Builds dataset with different row count based on how many cities and whether one wants Paris PRAs disaggregated or not.
pra_stack(topn = 100, overwrite = FALSE)
integer 100 or 200 largest cities to consider
Boolean TRUE/FALSE whether to overwrite or read from disk
Boolean TRUE/FALSE to disaggregate parisian PRAs or not
How does the mapping from PRA prices to cities work? For years up to and
and including 2000, we can rely on a 1:1 mapping of PRA_Code
which maps
to PRA_Code
. Year 2015 does not have this mapping,
so we first match by department and name and then manually fix the missing data
for each city in function get_PRA_result_name_1999()
Load PRA Data for each year
stack all years
return from function if we are checking with paris_pra = TRUE
otherwise continue:
keep only ranks topn
merge AOC classification by CODGEO
price in Euros
merge AU classification by CODGEO
merge Urban wage data by AU2010
(from CASD)
compute rank by population of 1975 to get popweights
The function has 5 functions that create data (4 in the topn=200
Additionally the user can choose to output Paris PRAs in a disaggregated way
for checking with argument paris_pra
with yr = 2015
Please refer to the documentation of each for details.