Main PRA output function. Builds dataset with different row count based on how many cities and whether one wants Paris PRAs disaggregated or not.

pra_stack(topn = 100, overwrite = FALSE)



integer 100 or 200 largest cities to consider


Boolean TRUE/FALSE whether to overwrite or read from disk


Boolean TRUE/FALSE to disaggregate parisian PRAs or not


How does the mapping from PRA prices to cities work? For years up to and and including 2000, we can rely on a 1:1 mapping of PRA_Code which maps city CODGEO to PRA_Code. Year 2015 does not have this mapping, so we first match by department and name and then manually fix the missing data for each city in function get_PRA_result_name_1999().

Function Contents

  • Load PRA Data for each year

  • stack all years

  • return from function if we are checking with paris_pra = TRUE

  • otherwise continue:

  • keep only ranks topn

  • merge AOC classification by CODGEO

  • price in Euros

  • merge AU classification by CODGEO

  • merge Urban wage data by AU2010 (from CASD)

  • compute rank by population of 1975 to get popweights

Load PRA Data for each year

The function has 5 functions that create data (4 in the topn=200 sample). Additionally the user can choose to output Paris PRAs in a disaggregated way for checking with argument paris_pra.

  1. pra_1950()

  2. pra_1975()

  3. pra_1990()

  4. pra_2000()

  5. add_prices_PRA() with yr = 2015 argument.

Please refer to the documentation of each for details.