SciencesPo Paris
24 March, 2023
👉 Who lives (or moves) where, and what’s the role of Housing?
👉 2. How does City Growth occur in the long run?
👉 3. How are Fertility and City Growth connected?
👉 4. Which policy mix will achieve net-zero emissions and keep inequality at bay?
joint with Nicolas Cœurdacier and Marc Teignier-Baque
If this mechanism has any bite, we want to see the cross sectional implications.
\[\log{\text{density}_{k,t}} = a_t + b \log \rho_{k,t} + c Z_{k,t} + u_{k,t}\]
joint with Nicolas Cœurdacier, Pierre-Philippe Combes and Laurent Gobillon
joint with François Le Grand, Xavier Ragot and Aurelién Saussay
Thanks for listening!
HDR Florian Oswald