Builds a panel data set with id variables pid
(unique person identifier) and year
from individual PSID family files and supplemental wealth files.
datadir = NULL,
ind.vars = NULL,
heads.only = FALSE,
current.heads.only = FALSE,
sample = NULL,
design = "balanced",
loglevel = INFO
either NULL
, in which case saves to tmpdir or path to directory containing family files ("FAMyyyy.RData") and individual file ("IND2009ER.RData").
data.frame of variable to retrieve from family files. Can contain see example for required format.
data.frame of variables to get from individual file. In almost all cases this will be the type of survey weights you want to use. don't include id variables ER30001 and ER30002.
logical TRUE if user wants household heads only. Household heads in sample year.
logical TRUE if user wants current household heads only. Distinguishes mover outs heads.
string indicating which sample to select: "SRC" (survey research center), "SEO" (survey for economic opportunity), "immigrant" (immigrant sample), "latino" (Latino family sample). Defaults to NULL, so no subsetting takes place.
either character balanced or all or integer. balanced means only individuals who appear in each wave are considered. All means all are taken. An integer value stands for minimum consecutive years of participation, i.e. design=3 means present in at least 3 consecutive waves.
one of INFO, WARN and DEBUG. INFO by default.
resulting data.table
. the variable pid
is the unique person identifier, constructed from ID1968 and pernum
There are several supported approches. Approach one downloads stata data, uses stata to build each wave, then puts it together with `psidR`. The second (recommended) approach downloads all data directly from the psid servers (no Stata needed). For this approach you need to supply the precise names of psid variables - those variable names vary by year. E.g. total family income will have different names in different waves. The function getNamesPSID
greatly helps collecting names for all waves.
The variables interview number
in each family file map to
the interview number
variable of a given year in the individual file. Run example(build.panel)
for a demonstration.
Notice that support for wealth supplements is disabled! Recent releases of the main family file have wealth data included. Earlier waves must be merged manually, again by variable interview number
as above.
# ######################################
# reproducible example on artifical data.
# run this with example(build.panel).
# ######################################
## make reproducible family data sets for 2 years
## variables are: family income (Money) and age
## Data acquisition step:
## run build.panel with sascii=TRUE
# testPSID creates artifical PSID data
td <- testPSID(N=12,N.attr=0)
fam1985 <- data.table::copy(td$famvars1985)
fam1986 <- data.table::copy(td$famvars1986)
IND2019ER <- data.table::copy(td$IND2019ER)
# create a temporary datadir
my.dir <- tempdir()
#save those in the datadir
# notice different R formats admissible
## end Data acquisition step.
# now define which famvars
famvars <- data.frame(year=c(1985,1986),
# create ind.vars
indvars <- data.frame(year=c(1985,1986),ind.weight=c("ER30497","ER30534"))
# call the builder
# data will contain column "relation.head" holding the relationship code.
d <- build.panel(datadir=my.dir,fam.vars=famvars,
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] found FAM1985ER.rda already downloaded
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] found FAM1986ER.rda already downloaded
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] Will download missing datasets now
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] will download latest individual index: IND2021ER
#> This can take several hours/days to download.
#> want to go ahead? give me 'yes' or 'no'.
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] psidR: Loading Family data from .rda files
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] psidR: loaded individual file: /tmp/RtmpMESR82/IND2019ER.RData
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] psidR: total memory load in MB: 1
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] psidR: currently working on data for year 1985
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] psidR: currently working on data for year 1986
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] balanced design reduces sample from 36 to 24
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] End of build.panel
# see what happens if we drop non-heads
# only the ones who are heads in BOTH years
# are present (since design='balanced' by default)
d <- build.panel(datadir=my.dir,fam.vars=famvars,
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] found FAM1985ER.rda already downloaded
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] found FAM1986ER.rda already downloaded
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] Will download missing datasets now
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] will download latest individual index: IND2021ER
#> This can take several hours/days to download.
#> want to go ahead? give me 'yes' or 'no'.
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] psidR: Loading Family data from .rda files
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] psidR: loaded individual file: /tmp/RtmpMESR82/IND2019ER.RData
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] psidR: total memory load in MB: 1
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] psidR: currently working on data for year 1985
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] dropping non-heads leaves 10 obs
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] psidR: currently working on data for year 1986
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] dropping non-heads leaves 15 obs
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] balanced design reduces sample from 20 to 4
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:47] End of build.panel
#> money age interview ID1968 pernum sequence relation.head ind.weight
#> <num> <int> <int> <int> <int> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 78485.75 31 2 1197 14 1 10 0.2986580
#> 2: 78942.81 32 8 1197 14 20 10 0.4353866
#> 3: 16170.57 61 24 8981 1 20 10 0.0959265
#> 4: 16643.49 62 18 8981 1 1 10 0.9068795
#> pid year
#> <num> <num>
#> 1: 1197014 1985
#> 2: 1197014 1986
#> 3: 8981001 1985
#> 4: 8981001 1986
# change sample design to "all":
# we'll keep individuals if they are head in one year,
# and drop in the other
d <- build.panel(datadir=my.dir,fam.vars=famvars,
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:48] found FAM1985ER.rda already downloaded
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:48] found FAM1986ER.rda already downloaded
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:48] Will download missing datasets now
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:48] will download latest individual index: IND2021ER
#> This can take several hours/days to download.
#> want to go ahead? give me 'yes' or 'no'.
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:48] psidR: Loading Family data from .rda files
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:48] psidR: loaded individual file: /tmp/RtmpMESR82/IND2019ER.RData
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:48] psidR: total memory load in MB: 1
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:48] psidR: currently working on data for year 1985
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:48] dropping non-heads leaves 10 obs
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:48] psidR: currently working on data for year 1986
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:48] dropping non-heads leaves 15 obs
#> INFO [2024-11-07 16:02:48] End of build.panel
#> money age interview ID1968 pernum sequence relation.head ind.weight
#> <num> <int> <int> <int> <int> <num> <num> <num>
#> 1: 56624.775 62 15 485 18 1 10 0.09403037
#> 2: 78485.745 31 2 1197 14 1 10 0.29865803
#> 3: 78942.807 32 8 1197 14 20 10 0.43538664
#> 4: 21502.318 61 1 1431 5 1 10 0.55247234
#> 5: 7093.813 61 4 2111 2 20 10 0.17235189
#> 6: 10547.023 38 12 2508 7 1 10 0.20403065
#> 7: 11519.488 64 24 3197 10 1 10 0.12649262
#> 8: 31686.708 46 7 3559 12 20 10 0.12585627
#> 9: 106183.879 45 11 3927 17 1 10 0.17861309
#> 10: 4156.180 41 19 4903 19 1 10 0.03102602
#> 11: 6638.331 21 3 5517 23 20 10 0.77829279
#> 12: 21908.241 67 7 5536 13 1 10 0.83644625
#> 13: 29156.657 63 17 5898 3 1 10 0.66609201
#> 14: 20408.597 40 2 6791 21 1 10 0.88571080
#> 15: 16549.515 43 23 6871 20 20 10 0.38709628
#> 16: 141303.199 77 5 7070 11 1 10 0.20390068
#> 17: 20482.871 28 10 7555 6 20 10 0.60536844
#> 18: 16170.575 61 24 8981 1 20 10 0.09592650
#> 19: 16643.490 62 18 8981 1 1 10 0.90687946
#> 20: 16313.029 79 22 9047 8 1 10 0.54859144
#> money age interview ID1968 pernum sequence relation.head ind.weight
#> pid year
#> <num> <num>
#> 1: 485018 1986
#> 2: 1197014 1985
#> 3: 1197014 1986
#> 4: 1431005 1986
#> 5: 2111002 1985
#> 6: 2508007 1986
#> 7: 3197010 1986
#> 8: 3559012 1985
#> 9: 3927017 1986
#> 10: 4903019 1986
#> 11: 5517023 1986
#> 12: 5536013 1986
#> 13: 5898003 1986
#> 14: 6791021 1986
#> 15: 6871020 1985
#> 16: 7070011 1986
#> 17: 7555006 1986
#> 18: 8981001 1985
#> 19: 8981001 1986
#> 20: 9047008 1986
#> pid year
# END psidR example
# #####################################################################
# Please go to for more example usage
# #####################################################################