The user can specify one variable name from any year. This function
will find that variable's correct name in any of the years
specified by the user. If user does not specify the years
variable, return will represent all years in which variable was
getNamesPSID(aname, cwf, years = NULL, file = NULL)
A vector of names, one for each year.
This uses the psid.xlsx crosswalk file from UMich, which is available at In the example, the package openxlsx's read.xlsx is used to import the crosswalk file.
Ask for one variable at a time.
# read UMich crosswalk from installed file
r = system.file(package="psidR")
cwf = openxlsx::read.xlsx(file.path(r,"psid-lists","psid.xlsx"))
# or download directly
# cwf <- read.xlsx("")
# then get names with
getNamesPSID("ER17013", cwf, years = 2001)
#> year variable
#> 1 Y2001 ER17013
getNamesPSID("ER17013", cwf, years = 2003)
#> year variable
#> 1 Y2003 ER21017
getNamesPSID("ER17013", cwf, years = NULL)
#> year variable
#> 1 Y1968 V117
#> 2 Y1969 V1008
#> 3 Y1970 V1239
#> 4 Y1971 V1942
#> 5 Y1972 V2542
#> 6 Y1973 V3095
#> 7 Y1974 V3508
#> 8 Y1975 V3921
#> 9 Y1976 V4436
#> 10 Y1977 V5350
#> 11 Y1978 V5850
#> 12 Y1979 V6462
#> 13 Y1980 V7067
#> 14 Y1981 V7658
#> 15 Y1982 V8352
#> 16 Y1983 V8961
#> 17 Y1984 V10419
#> 18 Y1985 V11606
#> 19 Y1986 V13011
#> 20 Y1987 V14114
#> 21 Y1988 V15130
#> 22 Y1989 V16631
#> 23 Y1990 V18049
#> 24 Y1991 V19349
#> 25 Y1992 V20651
#> 26 Y1993 V22406
#> 27 Y1994 ER2007
#> 28 Y1995 ER5006
#> 29 Y1996 ER7006
#> 30 Y1997 ER10009
#> 31 Y1999 ER13010
#> 32 Y2001 ER17013
#> 33 Y2003 ER21017
#> 34 Y2005 ER25017
#> 35 Y2007 ER36017
#> 36 Y2009 ER42017
#> 37 Y2011 ER47317
#> 38 Y2013 ER53017
#> 39 Y2015 ER60017
#> 40 Y2017 ER66017
#> 41 Y2019 ER72017
#> 42 Y2021 ER78017
getNamesPSID("ER17013", cwf, years = c(2005, 2007, 2009))
#> year variable
#> 1 Y2005 ER25017
#> 2 Y2007 ER36017
#> 3 Y2009 ER42017