This is the Suitability and Attainable Yield theme of GAEZ.



#> # A tibble: 7 × 2
#>   variable meaning                                                              
#>   <chr>    <chr>                                                                
#> 1 yl       Output Density                                                       
#> 2 yc       Average attainable yield of current cropland                         
#> 3 yx       Average attainable yield of best occurring suitability class in grid…
#> 4 sx1      Share of grid cell assessed as VS or S (range 0 – 10000)             
#> 5 sx2      Share of VS+S+MS land in grid cell (range 0 – 10000)                 
#> 6 sx       Suitability index range (0 – 10000); all land in grid cell           
#> 7 su       Suitability index range (0 – 10000); current cropland in grid cell