This is a subtheme of the Land and Water Resources theme of GAEZ. Part of the soi1
#> # A tibble: 12 × 2
#> variable meaning
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 hwsd_domi_30s Dominant Soil (30 arc seconds)
#> 2 hwsd_domi Dominant Soil (5 arc minutes)
#> 3 SQ0_mze_v9aH Most limiting soil quality rating factor, high inputs
#> 4 SQ0_mze_v9aL Most limiting soil quality rating factor, low inputs
#> 5 SQ0_idx_v9aH Most limiting soil quality, high inputs
#> 6 SQ0_idx_v9aL Most limiting soil quality, low inputs
#> 7 SQ1_mze_v9aL Nutrient availability, low inputs
#> 8 SQ2_mze_v9aH Nutrient retention capacity, high inputs
#> 9 SQ3_mze_v9aH Rooting conditions, high inputs
#> 10 SQ3_mze_v9aL Rooting conditions, low inputs
#> 11 SQ7_mze_v9aH Workability, high inputs
#> 12 SQ7_mze_v9aL Workability, low inputs